Celebrating Elite Sports Academy and the spirit of Leland “Bud” Lewis.
The 2019 Recipient of the Bud Award is Elite Sports Academy.
Elite Sports Academy is a sports-based educational summer program offered to children in select communities in the Portland, OR area at minimal to no cost.
The camp provides young athletes with an opportunity to experience premium training in football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball from coaches and athletes from around the country. This training will not only push the athletes to improve their physical abilities, but it will also provide them with critical life skills such as teamwork, leadership, self-confidence, and self-discipline. The combination of these athletic and personal skills will help the children excel in sports, school, and their personal lives.
The goal of ESA is to foster the personal growth of its athletes, preparing them for their futures. By providing the children with the tools necessary to achieve academic and athletic success, it is ESA’s mission to increase the likelihood of their athletes attending college, for academic or athletic merit.
To learn more about the Bud Award and our Special Grant Projects visit our main grant page.