Celebrating 2023 MAF Week

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Oh…the opportunities to ride, move, celebrate and make a difference in the community! The 2023 MAF Week, including the 10th annual Spin-A-Thon, expanded to include more people and events this year. It was one of our BEST ever! Our mission remains focused on community, participation, and funding efforts to increasing access to sport and education opportunities for youth. We share the belief with all of you that every kid deserves the chance to play, learn and thrive!

Still want to make a donation – you can do that HERE

We are grateful for your support and for the support of our 2023 sponsors!

Special thank you to the Spin-A-Thon Committee: 

Denise Patridge, Debbie Williams, Tom Brugato, Chase McPherson, Gresham Prehn, and Emily Stratman